Training Division of MSSO
Training division of Muga Silkworm Seed Organization offers specialized training to meet out the requirements of Muga and Eri stakeholders. Capacity Building & Training (CBT) division, Central Silk Board, Bangalore annually allocates the training session for MSSO & their nested Units. The training programme includes:-
- Training to Adopted seed rearers
- Training to Private grainuers
- Farmers skill training
- Skill training and enterprise development Programme
- Awareness Programme on Central Seed Act
- Need based training (Sponsporship received from Non-CSB agencies)
Training curriculum was prepared keeping in view of imparting knowledge on host plant management, silkworm rearing and seed production including post cocoon technologies and product diversification in Muga and Eri sector. Training Impact assessment was analyzed by conducting Entry level Assessment and Exit level Assessment for the trainees and overall assessment of performance were done on the basis of performance indicators. Post training feedback was obtained from trainees for further improvement.