Mission & Vission

The main mandate of MSSO is to maintain the Basic Muga stock at P4 stations for its multiplication to produce P3 seed. The multiplication ratio of Dfl is 1:8. Thereafter, the P3 stations conduct rearing to generate seed cocoons to produce P2 seed at the same ratio of multiplication. In addition, the SSPCs are producing commercial dfls by procuring seed cocoons from the Adopted Seed Rearers (ASRs) to supply to farmers as well as to state department also. Likewise, Basic Eri seed farm is maintaining the parental stock and produce the basic seed for the ESSPCs as well as different state department also. The ESSPCs are producing commercial seed by procuring seed cocoons from the ASRs. The commercial Eri seeds are mainly supplying to Uttar Pradesh and needy North Eastern states.

During the last few years the temperature has been increasing and affecting the muga silkworm rearing performances particularly in summer seed crop rearing. Seasonal changes has also been observed resulting expansion of summer spell and shrinkage of winter spell. Accordingly, demand of the time is to re-look on existing muga crop schedule which has been taken care into and tentative new crop schedule has been chalked out in consultation with all the states Director of Sericulture of NE Region. MSSO has started production of Muga basic and commercial seed as per new schedule..

Likewise, Basic Eri seed farm is maintaining the parental stock and produce the basic seed for the ESSPCs as well as different state department also. The ESSPCs are producing commercial seed by procuring seed cocoons from the ASRs. The commercial Eri seeds are mainly supplying to Utter Pradesh and needy North Eastern states. In addition to producing Muga and Eri Basic and commercial seed the units are involved in dissemination of improved technologies developed by R&D Institute through different extension events

During the last few years the temperature has been increasing and affecting the muga silkworm rearing performances particularly in summer seed crop rearing. Seasonal changes has also been observed resulting expansion of summer spell and shrinkage of winter spell. Accordingly, demand of the time is to re-look on existing muga crop schedule which has been taken care into and tentative new crop schedule has been chalked out in consultation with all the states Director of Sericulture of NE Region. MSSO has started production of Muga basic and commercial seed as per new schedule.

To Organize the production network of Muga/Eri silkworm seed and containment of the deadly disease from Muga/Eri Sericulture Industry

The Mission

To achieve excellence in application of result oriented success indicators in basic muga/eri seed multiplication to fulfil the demand of seed requirement.


  • See India emerge as the leader in the world market for silk Mission
  • Make continuous efforts in Research and Development and Technology Transfer.
  • To create greater opportunities for gainful employment and improved levels of income in sericulture through spread of scientific sericulture practices
  • To improve productivity in all stages of silk production
  • Strengthen levels of efficiency through a commitment to quality.