Seed Act Details

⦁ A Seed Cocoon Producer shall possess the knowledge of rearing of parent silkworm races and he shall undergo a training in silkworm rearing for not less than one month in a sericulture institution under State or CSB or any other recognized institution, provided that a seed cocoon producer who is rearing the parent silk worm races before the commencement of these Regulation shall not be required to undergo such training.
⦁ Muga seed cocoon producer shall possess a Muga food plantation for seed rearing, disinfectable rearing house or rearing space and rearing appliances such as chawki rearing appliances, rearing trays, cleaning nets, shoot rearing racks or rearing stands and mountages etc.
⦁ An Eri seed cocoon producer shall possess Eri food plantation and a disinfectable rearing house or rearing space with rearing appliances for seed rearing.
⦁ Muga seed cocoon producer shall remove pests and flies from the food plants and clean the ground before transferring the worms.
Seed producer shall :
⦁ Undertake to produce 5000 dfls/year by the fifth year (Vanya)
⦁ Possess suitable accommodation
⦁ Possess the requisite equipment as specified
⦁ Procure certified parent seed cocoons only
⦁ Produce authorized hybrid verities
⦁ Not change the location of production
⦁ Adhere to all the specified methods and quality standards mentioned
Chawki Rearer shall :
⦁ Undertake to rear minimum of 400 muga dfls
⦁ Possess suitable accommodation
⦁ Possess the requisite equipment as specified
⦁ Procure certified hybrid seed only from the registered seed producer
⦁ Conduct chawki worms testing before distribution
⦁ Not change the location of chawki rearing
Adhere to all the specified methods and quality standards mentioned
Adopted Seed Rearer (ASR)
An Adopted Seed Rearer is a sericulture farmer adopted by the commercial seed producer for rearing and supplying parent cocoons.
The Adopted Seed Rearers are provided with constant technical inputs.
Registration process
⦁ On receipt of application (FORM-12/13 ) shall be examine by the RC under Rule 47
a)For existing entrepreneurs whether applicant has submitted the documentary evidences in proof of earlier licences/Permit to indicate they have been engaged for seed rearing / seed production.
b) For new applicant the RC shall examine the minimum prescribed qualification.
⦁ All applications shall be referred to Seed Analyst (SA) for verification of facilities,Space requirement, Technical skills of the applicant and to submit a report to RC with recommendation.
⦁ RC may grant a certificate of registration on receipt of report from SA
⦁ A specific ID numbers for each registration shall be issued by the RC and a register containing the details of all such registered personnel/ bodies shall be maintained.
⦁ An application may be withdrawn at any time before the required service is rendered subject to payment made for the expenses incurred in connection with the process.
Certificate of registration shall be valid for 5 years, on expiry of which the application for renewal in prescribed form shall be submitted to RC at least a month before the expiry of registration.
⦁ Application for registration may be rejected under Rule -50 by the RC.
a) For non compliance with the Act / Regulations relating to condition for registration
b) When it is not practicable to provide the service for which it is registered after giving reasonable opportunity.
⦁ Ground on which application is rejected to be notified in writing within 30 days of application.
Cancellation of Certificate of Registration
Under the Act, it is mandatory on the part of all Silkworm seed producers , ASRs to register themselves and comply all the provisions of the Act, Rules and Regulations notified from time to time and monitored by the Registration Committee.
⦁ If the RC is satisfied ,either on a reference made to it or its own examination.
⦁ The registration granted by it has been obtained by misrepresentation of the facts or
⦁ the person has without reasonable cause, failed to comply with the terms and conditions subject to which the registration has been awarded.
⦁ has contravened any provisions of the act.
Then without prejudice to any other penalty to which the holder of the registration may be liable under this Act, the RC may after giving the holder an opportunity of showing cause, cancel the registration
⦁ RC shall notify in writing the cancellation of registration made under 8E(2)(VIII).
⦁ Application for registration may be rejected under Rule -50 by the RC.
a) For non compliance with the Act / Regulations relating to condition for registration
b) When it is not practicable to provide the service for which it is registered after giving reasonable opportunity.
⦁ Ground on which application is rejected to be notified in writing within 30 days of application.